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Tag Archives: single

“You’ve put on weight, and I find you less attractive”… As every man knows, there are some things you just can’t come right out and say to your girlfriend. For obvious reasons…..

Why do Women cheat in Relationships?

Men are not the only ones who cheat on their partners. These days more and more women are found to be guilty of cheating. Infidelity in relationships is increasing day by day.

Before you go all getting bent out of shape and tell me that it is horrible to see a man fighting a woman, please know that I did not organize these fights….


The Questions:

1. What do you think is the biggest mistake that men tend to make in relationships? (This will tell you a lot about what turns her off and also about her attitude toward men in general.)

2. Do you think that men tend to be too macho or too sensitive?

3. What are the qualities of your ideal relationship?

4. Have you ever gone out with a guy who was a Challenge? (Have her describe how he was a Challenge and how she responded to it.)

5. What’s the most important thing that men don’t understand about women that they should?

6. Have you ever had your heart broken? (The more beautiful she is, the more likely the answer will be no. It’s actually better if the answer is yes. A girl whose heart has been broken has some humility.)

7. What scares you the most about opening your heart to a man?

8. Were you usually the dumper or the dumpee in your past relationships?

9. Do you feel that you’ve ever had a truly successful relationship?

10. Why did your last relationship fail? (Note: Does she take any responsibility or was it all her ex-boyfriend’s fault?)

Remember, if you have a question for Clance, please leave a comment!
